Case Study

How Rainforest QA uses Correlated to uncover ARR and save over 10 hours per week

Key results

  • Rainforest QA's CX team saves >10 hours per week.
  • They are able to focus on the right customers at the right time.
  • They use Correlated to proactively identify expansion ARR that they might have otherwise missed.


's product led approach

Rainforest QA is a modern no-code test automation platform for startups. It makes it easy for founders, product managers and developers to improve quality on teams that ship code fast and frequently. . In addition to saving time, they help teams surface significantly more bugs and problems before their code ever hits production, resulting in an all-around improved customer experience. Rainforest QA is headquartered in San Francisco, and since its founding in 2012 has been a leader in Software Testing and Test Automation. 

In practice, they allow teams to test their user experience by supporting visual automated testing, crowdsourced testing, and browser testing – plus, they seamlessly integrate with the tools companies already use, like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Jira, GitHub, and more.

The Problem

Rainforest QA was growing their self-service business and they had a hard time focusing on the customers that had the best chance of expanding to enterprise plans.

Rainforest QA started with Correlated in a similar state to many other companies starting their product-led journey. They had a decent idea around what makes someone a good fit for their product, when they might be ready to convert, and what actions they need to perform to become successful - but at the end of the day, these were all just hypotheses. In addition, Lauren Harold, Rainforest QA’s Senior Director of Customer Experience, wanted to institute proactive playbooks to enable her team to work with the right customers at the right time throughout the customer journey.

What they needed most was a flexible way to put these theories into practice, and most importantly, prove them out and report on their PLG goals. This, combined with an increasing number of self-serve sign ups coming to their product every day, meant they needed a way to act on qualified leads, convert more freemium deals, intervene with at-risk customers, and track their progress.



chose Correlated

  1. It was easy for Rainforest QA to connect Correlated directly to their BigQuery instance to ingest vital historic customer data and to Segment to utilize real-time product events.
  2. Rainforest QA was in the midst of off-boarding from their CRM to Hubspot and moving away from their CS platform (Vitally) at the time of trialing Correlated, so they needed a tool that made the transition as smooth as possible and effectively replaced their existing customer success workflows.
  3. Rainforest QA was able to create Playbooks for their team across the customer lifecycle, not only for targeting “ready-to-convert” freemium leads, but also customers who are not taking the actions indicative of a successful Rainforest QA user as well as those displaying more “at-risk” qualities.
  4. Finally, a big determining factor was Correlated’s “Goals” feature. Tracking the outcomes of each Playbook was important to creating a PLG model that can be tested, proven, and scaled to ensure their company strategy is headed in the right direction.



uses Correlated

Rainforest QA's CX team uses Correlated to manage their entire customer lifecycle and GTM motions

The CX team primarily uses Correlated to capture when leads in their ICP are showing strong intent toward their key products (for example, use of their CI Pipeline or reaching feature limits on their lower plans), and taking the right next steps to qualify for conversion. Additionally, they target customers who are failing to complete important actions and are showing early indicators of churn (for example, an increase in failed “runs” or a significant decrease in total “runs” in the Rainforest QA app). By configuring Correlated Playbooks to quickly catch these instances, it allows them to send these leads directly to their reps in almost real-time via Slack alerts and automations in Hubspot. Specifically, one way they enable CX reps today is by adding customers to a contact list in HubSpot, which then kicks off a nurture campaign for that customer’s specific scenario to prioritize retention.

Another example is sending Slack alerts when new users of certain products sign up, which instructs reps to invite that user to their Slack community, and then mark the Slack notification as “complete” with an emoji as soon as it’s done. Downstream actions like this allow them to completely automate processes where they see fit, and perform more hands-on follow ups when required. Rainforest QA gives their reps individual access to the Correlated platform, so they can adjust / iterate on Playbooks as they see fit and their book of business evolves over time. To-date, the team has created over 60 Playbooks, and continuously builds out their processes in Correlated as they evolve!


's PLG tech stack

A key determining factor for choosing Correlated was integrations with Rainforest QA's tech stack. They have many tools to collect customer data and a number of key GTM systems that their CX team uses. Correlated plugs into everything seamlessly which made choosing the product a no brainer.

Product Analytics


Rainforest QA uses Segment for their CDP to closely track product events across the customer lifecycle, which enables real-time alerts in Correlated. Some of the important events they send to Correlated to power their Playbooks include when a customer adds their credit card, sends a user invite, and creates an integration.

Business Intelligence
Data Warehouse


Rainforest QA structures the majority of their company data in BigQuery, so their data engineer team was able to build a few views specific for Correlated to ingest, and then self-serve onboard their data. When new data points need to be added, the data and business team alike can import new data points with the click of a button in Correlated. For more specific use cases, Correlated is also able to access their BigQuery data and help support custom transformations.



Rainforest QA uses Hubspot as their core CRM and to help manage customer success engagement and workflows. Rainforest QA uses Correlated to power automated workflows, keep track of their rep’s account lists, and create new contacts in Hubspot when leads qualify.

Correlated is working on expanding its Hubspot functionality, so very soon Rainforest QA will also use Correlated to update fields, create tasks, and even ingest company / contact data to build more Playbooks out.

Sales Engagement
Productivity Tool


Slack is a core communication tool for Rainforest QA across teams, and they use it to send alerts containing specific instructions for their reps to act on that will result in their desired outcomes.

“Revenue and retention are lagging indicators for our self-serve customers, so when we first came into Correlated it was really cool to see that we can get ahead of potential risks by identifying downward trends in real-time. We don’t have to wait until the next month to see what happened, we already know their usage is trending down and can now dive into those accounts before it's too late.”

Billy Goudy
Manager, Customer Experience

Ready to see how Correlated can help you find more PQLs and convert 5x more opportunities?

Revenue leaders at PLG companies, like yourself, are faced with unique challenges. Correlated helps sales and marketing teams identify new accounts that are ready to convert, or can help to notify your team for expansion & upsell opportunities.

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